personal experience, childhood trauma, anxiety

Anxiety manifests itself in the form of fear, dread, and discomfort. It can make you sweat, make you feel perplexed and anxious, and make your heart beat faster. It’s possible that it’s a natural stress reaction. You may be nervous when confronted with a difficult circumstance at work, before passing a course, or before making big decisions.

Keeping your thoughts “free” isn’t always easy. There aren’t many things you can do to help someone who is suffering from anxiety. So all you can do now is wait.

Well, there are many different types of anxiety, and determining which one you have might be difficult. A trauma might be caused by a single condition that has several underlying difficulties.

As a result, a childhood trauma is the most typical cause of anxiety. Whether it’s a family issue or simply some child’s mistreatment (which can be both physical or only with words).

Childhood is both the most vital and the most vulnerable time of our lives. A child may hear a term, be in an uncomfortable scenario with family, be abused at home or at school, or be neglected or unheard. And all of these circumstances will cause us to hide our emotions, making it difficult to cope with them in the long run.

Personal experience

I’ll tell a short example (if I may say so) that I believe will illustrate what I’m talking about.

I was about 8 years old, playing with my brother and laughing. My mom told us to stop, because after a while she was sure the laugh will turn into tears(one of us could be hurt). In Armenia we have a saying for that.

We received a heartbreaking call from our adored one shortly after she mentioned that.

You’re probably thinking, “What a stupid example.” But did you realize that children are similar to dogs? Their level of association is really high. After so many years, I get cherophobia in my early twenties. A person with cherophobia dislikes being in happy situations because they are afraid that something horrible will happen.

Most common thoughts

  • If I am happy it means something bad is on the way
  • Happiness can’t make feel good, because bad things are more powerful
  • Showing that I am happy can make people laugh at me if bad things start happening
  • Joy has bad consequences

If you ever experience/d such feelings I highly advise to go back to your childhood or early teenage years to get the answers to your questions.

What to do?

I myself have an experience of seeing a psychologist already about 3+ years.

These are the main strategies on dealing with anxiety based on my research.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Happiness- provoking events

In certain circumstances, anxiety is a natural human reaction. You may have an anxiety disorder if you feel anxious all of the time or most of the time.

Frustration, anger, tiredness, body aches, digestive problems, and difficulty sleeping are just a few of the emotional and physical signs of stress. Anxiety, on the other hand, is characterized by persistent, overpowering worries that persist even when there is no cause of stress.

Chronic anxiety can cause depression, addiction, and other mental disorders. People with the disorder are more prone to commit suicide or participate in self-harming behaviors, especially if they are not treated successfully. Excessive anxiety can result in a life of isolation.

“Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important.” – Natalie Goldberg

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