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About me | Path that brought me here

Travel blog, where to travel next, lifestyle and travel blogger

Mariam Megrdichian
Digital Marketing specialist/video and photo editor

Hey, I am Mariam! Obsessed with exploring beautiful destinations with my husband and taking beautiful photos and videos to share them with you.

I am 28 years old. I currently live in Los Angeles and moved to the United States from Armenia 2.5 years ago to start a new and interesting chapter in my life.

Moving to the United States of America

As I mentioned above, I moved here from Armenia, it means I am Armenian. If you haven’t heard about Armenia before, just click here. Thanks!

I moved to the States because my husband lives here(he is an Armenian as well). Will leave our romantic story for a totally separate post(lol).

My husband is a pilot, it means we travel a lot.

Want to learn more about starting a new life here in USA?


I have a bachelor’s degree in linguistics. I always loved taking photos and videos of my friends or just shoot daily stuff and was too much into video editing with windows movie maker ( I know right, that’s funny) – that’s all I had 15 years ago.

After studying in university and getting my degree I decided that working with papers or doing automatic works like doing translations isn’t for me and I started to learn graphic design.

My cousin is a graphic designer and just watching her work with various editing programs seemed to me really attractive (well, that’s what I love).  But fortunately or not, it turned out that I am not born to be a graphic designer. Though, I worked as a designer about 2 years, learned a lot of new things and technics which I always use in every work I do, I am not that much into designing and having an artist mentality. 

So, after working with various clients and being involved in various projects, including working in an Human Resources department, working with people, doing some social projects, I finally found what I really do love the most.

It’s already my 3rd year working as a digital marketing specialist and video/photo editor!

Why do I love digital marketing? • It’s fun • It’s innovative • You sell by storytelling • You track everyone who interacts your business • You always learn because of the constant changes in this field.

What to expect in my blog

I want to inspire you discover new places in the world or just explore the ones around you and share our travel experiences regarding to hotels, restaurants, vacations spots and etc.

Despite sharing travel stories with you I am here to share my personal experiences as well: how to overcome an anxiety, how to choose a career, how to work online, how to edit photos or videos and many more lifestyle topics.