The secret of happiness

We are continually confronted with various decision-making alternatives, possibilities, and paths that we can choose throughout our life. As a result, we might conclude that our everyday behaviors determine whether we live a happy or sad life. Although no one can guarantee an ideal life, you may improve the quality of your own by making educated decisions and adopting healthier and more productive behaviors.

Given this, it’s only natural to wonder what kinds of poor behaviors keep us from being happy.

Playing the victim

Without a doubt, we shall be the victims of someone’s impulsive actions at some point in our lives. When this happens, though, we have two choices: play the victim or become the survivor. If we accept the first option, we will eventually merge into this position, losing our ability to choose and giving up our powers.

The inability to control your inner critic

There is a gentle voice of an inner critic in everyone of us. This voice can be beneficial in urging us to be the best versions of ourselves at times. If left uncontrolled, though, our inner critic can lose contact with reality and turn into our deadliest enemy.


Perfection is unattainable. There’s nothing wrong with having lofty goals for yourself or wishing for a better life. If you aim for perfection, though, you will always want more and will never be able to reach your goal.

Please other people

You will lose twice if you have dedicated your life to pleasing others. For starters, you can’t please everyone all of the time. Second, you will never be able to balance your wants with those of others. Furthermore, you will eventually stop attracting attention to yourself and your life will devolve into turmoil as you look for recognition and approval. And this is not the way to happiness.

Change phobia

Uncertainty is usually related with change. However, change is required. We may either restore our comfort by returning to a familiar setting (one that no longer provides us joy or happiness) or we can push ourselves to become the best version of ourselves by stepping outside of our comfort zone.

Overthinking is a bad habit

The habit of analyzing everything definitely deprives a person of happiness. It is the exact opposite of awareness. So if you find yourself constantly obsessing over your thoughts, you will ultimately cut yourself off from all the good things in your life. Remember that life is a journey, not a destination.

Numbing (mental “numbness”)

This is yet another, and maybe the most serious, thief of human happiness. Numbing is frequently linked to the onset of addiction, and it certainly makes us sad. There are hard times, injuries, and things that are difficult to deal with in everyone’s life. The emotions they elicit are so intense that our first instinct is to bury them as deeply as possible. We want to hush our minds and get rid of these feelings.

These issues, however, are not simple to resolve. The most important thing is not to run away from problems, no matter how much we don’t want to (for obvious reasons).

We will eventually transcend our challenging feelings if we choose to accept them and grow stronger as a result. And if you try to repress them in yourself by running away from them all the time, they will eventually amass and find a way out, whether we like it or not. And it frequently does not occur in a pleasant manner.

Perfection doesn’t exist…

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